And like most Americans, I have been following the riots. And ike most Egyptians and Americans, I am very concerned. My information doesn't come from anywhere special... I read tweets, BBC, and listen to my mother's opinion, but when Carrie Badanes asked me a couple questions about the situation in my "homeland", I thought it approriate to share with the general internet public who reads my blog, you, what we think over here in the Stringham household. Simon is also an Egyptian-American, and you better believe he has an opinion too. He has been cranky lately, and I am attributing that to Egypt's unrest.
Until he learns how to share his opinion in English (or arabic),
1. Explain in two sentences why the people are rising up against Mubarak after 30 years. Speak simply.
A corrupt government that rigs elections and steals money obviously causes a high unemployment rate, and with that, a great amount of unrest. Tunisia started it, the Egyptian community saw their window, and thanks to social media and the unifying ability of the internet, it is finally happening.
2. As An Egyptian-American, what would you like to see for Egypt in the next 18 months?
I would like to see a fair democracy. I have no idea how one does that, and I think the word democrary is overused. How about just a fair government with an ability to help the people rather than harm them? I think I am too much of an idealist to answer this question. Pass.
3. If you were a solider in the Egyptian army, which national monument would you want to protect and why?
The mummies. Duh.
The security at the Cairo Museum has always been weak to say the least. Apparently precious items get stolen out of their basement all the time. Now that there is rioting, I hope they are stepping up their game with security. Save the mummies! Who knows what would happen to those guys when they hit some Cairo oxygen. Yikes. I am pretty sure they would instantly disintegrate.
Is my blog becoming political? I need to stick to a theme here.