Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Charlottesville is a little lonelier

without my girls, Logan, Rose, and Jamie.

I blame Logan for the terrible habit I have of cooking way more than I should. I was always hoping she would show up and eat some of whatever random vegetable I found at the market that week. Nobody appreciates a white eggplant or a batch of beets as much as she does. And when I told Logan I was pregnant and the baby was the size of a lentil, she cried...there is nothing more special than that.
I am so JEALOUS of Greenville.

Rose and Jamie! To be in the same city as Rosepac was marvelous. If it weren't for her, I don't think I would have left the house when we first arrived in Cville. She shared all her friends with me and taught me the cool places to hang.

In the course of our short (and awesome) friendship, Jamie and I walked miles and miles. There is nothing like circling the stadium an extra time because we are not finished discussing who we can convince to watch Shrek 3 in the movie theatre.

Let's just say it's a good thing Richmond is only an hour away, and I already have plans to visit next week.

1 comment:

  1. Nefret, you're so cute. They're lucky to have YOU as a friend! :) xoxo
