Friday, September 25, 2009

Volcano Cupcake

I tried to make a giant cupcake for my work pot luck. This is how it came out.

So much for opening up my own cupcakery. Noel referred to it as the volcano cake incident, which is a good description. There is still cake underneath the carpet. Needless to say, I brought a bag of apples to the potluck. Thanks to our new friends Sarah and Cody, who graciously ate the entire volcano cupcake.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dedicated to Stevie

In order to explain the name of our blog, I must tell you that Stevie Wonder is my favorite singer. He has always been my favorite and continues to be my favorite. Windows down, windows up, in the morning, at night, it doesn't matter. Stevie is my favorite. Before Noel came around, Stevie Wonder was my boyfriend. He is oh so encouraging.

I knew I could marry Noel when he told me that he walked to Stevie Wonder. As the story is told, little baby Noel was crawling until he first heard Stevie Wonder on the radio. Then he walked. How fitting...the extra boost a child needs in the lyrics of a Stevie song.

Thank you, Stevie. Not only can my husband walk, he can climb. We owe you one.

Cheers and many thanks to Stevie!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Newlyweds <3 Canada

We just got married. kind of. I feel like I have been married forever. As I danced around the kitchen in an apron and sang to Charlottesville's hit radio station ( soft rock ? yes, please) , I couldn't help but feeling like my domestic life has reached an all new peak.

So a month and a half in, and still going strong. In a ploy to get people to read our awesome new blog, this is what you missed because you didn't come on the honeymoon with us.
Canada is lovely, and you even get a stamp on your passport.

Yes, this is a polar bear. No, we did not go to the Artic.
I just love all aquariums, no matter the city.

Everything that had the french word "Noel" in it, I made my husband stand in front of so I could take a picture. I was endlessly amused. He obediently complied.

Clearly I had a ball in Canada. You know how much I love fountains and kissy faces.

Mid-pose. How appropriate.
Our family's motto: Be prepared.
(that is why Noel takes out the trash 3 days before the garbage guys comes.
Or so he says.)

Best reason to road trip. I guarantee that if we had taken a plane, we would have missed this wonderful sign. How I wish we lived in a town with two exclamation points in its name!