Thursday, April 15, 2010

more food, please.

Our camera is officially busted, so I have no photos to show for a busy month.

Here are some highlights:

-Allison's visit. Talking about babies and pregnancy for 10 hours straight was never so much fun.

-Noel's parent's visit. Monticello, hiking in Shenandoah park. You better believe pregnant lady can hike up some serious hills.

-the opening of the Charlottesville market and my new obsession with the popsicle stand at the market. I am making a goal to try every flavor.

-me as avid fan cheering on the 10-miler runners as they ran through campus. I thought I was waking up early to go support the runners, but I was humiliated when I only made it to see the tail end of the runners as they busted through the finish line at a bright and early 8:30 in the A.M.

- the return of my appetite. A couple of weeks ago, at around 11 A.M., I realized I was so ravenous it was possible I was going to eat my fist and all the pencils on my desk. I raced to subway, ordered a foot long, ate half of it in the car, and half of it in the office. Ever since then, I feel the need to eat every 1.5 hours. This makes for a lunch box fill to the brim.

Just for a visual.

This is what I are for dinner last night (all by myself) :


  1. Mompac, you are hilarious. I don't know about you, but I am twice as hungry after I eat Subway than I before I ate my sub. Probably bc I stopped getting ham+pepperoni when I realized that that's not what made Jared loss the weight.

  2. There is no wrath like the wrath of a pregnant woman who has something in the way of her eating. hahaha So glad you're in that now - it's tough but exciting as you realize even more deeply how your body is communicating its varying needs! :) Love you girl. You are NOT alone in the hunger... haha though, my ravenous hunger has subsided for now, I still make sure to always have something on me to eat and to eat every few hours!
