Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pictures soon to come....

My mom bought us a camera!

She said, "You need to have a camera to take pictures of the baby, or else you will forget what he looked like when he was cute and innocent. You will need that when he is a teenager. " :)

So faithful blog-readers (my sister and my grandfather), pictures are soon to come!

I will be checking the mail diligently everyday, running from the car to the mailbox in excited anticipation.


  1. Yay!! Looking forward to pictures!

  2. Thank god! If you want to have a legitimate baby blog, I'm going to start needing some pictures. Sawsan is a savior.

  3. YAY! So so exciting. You definitely DO need a camera. Your mom was right. What a great gift :) Looking forward to seeing pics! xoxo

  4. Hurry up, Camera! Arrive in their mailbox already! :P
